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sXe Injected Setup.15.3.Fix.5 By J!N

 How to use:

- Open sXe 15.3 Fix 5
- Open All Counter Strike 1.6 Setup
- Join server and have fun :)

Counter-Strike_LH 2011 Setup By J!N

Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2011 ( WITH UCP AND No UCP ) - Orange BOX 

Guys today will tell you for Counter-Strike 2011 Version 2 ie Jr. for the moment, before the first public version had times in 2011 is due to some problems that had to display my canceled at CS - Mark that in this version of com remedied those problems and is the perfect pack but innovation that brought us this version is
Counter-Strike that this can be played with LH and PA UCP UCP ie how to install the Desktop Icon that you are 2 Counter-Strike 1.6 LH (NO UCP) and Counter-Strike 1.6 LH (WITH UCP) ie you have two possibilities and wITH nO UCP with UCP have no need to install mo 2 CS for those who have not DIJIA
and ki Another innovation of Steam Patch Version has new meaning (Orange Box) is
Well this is the 2011 version does not change strongly greatest version of his father in 2011 that I had posted that are already in the graph are eliminated problems in installation, DDL



LongHorn Edition - Version 2 (c) 2011 


* Protocol 48 Non-Steam
* Exe version (cstrike) FIXED Bug in Vista & 7 
* Exe build: (4554)
* SteamID Numeric
* Setti MasterServer 12735 Servers (Play Online)
* Latest REVOLUTION Emulator 9.8.3
* AntiCheats UCP 6.5 ( Ka te Instaluar hazer, skeni nevoj te instaloni 
* NEW - LongHorn GUI Version 3 (Graphical User Interface) Easy to Use & Beauty
* NEW - Backgorund (800x600 - 1024x768) - By: Daniel Luvisi
* NEW - Commander Menu (Game Settings, Mp3 Player, Useful Stuff, Server Stuff, Record Demo)
* NEW - Keyboard Commander (Much More Commanders) - Create Your Personal Config CFG
* NEW - Logo Loading 
* NEW - FONTS + Shadow (Much Beauty Better Fonts Quality)
* NEW - GameStartup Song (CS Startup Song)
* NEW - Ico (Counter-Strike.exe)
* NEW - Logo 187
* NEW - Motd (NEW LOGO)
* Added - DemoLoaded Button In GameMenu (Easy To PlayDEMO)
* Added - Option to launch listen server in LAN mode
* Added - FPS & PING Booster Version 3 CFG (Much FPS TuneUp)
* Added - Counter-Strike No Force.exe (Play With NonForce Commander No Need Shourtcut -game cstrike)
* Added - 10 Chat Con Colors (Included in Commander Menu)
* Added - Best Config.cfg (Fast Script buy,slot weapons ETC...) + Best Commander Server Settings
* Added - LH Tool's ( Foder | Commander AMX, Console, No Force, Parameters Starter | 11 FIX | 35 CFG Best Player, FPS Booster v2, Tool,Tutorial,)
* FIXED - Bug Serverbrowser with favorites using S.M
* FIXED - sv_lan 0 enforce 
* FIXED - Options (Video 32Bits)
* FIXED - VGuy 
* FIXED - ScoreBoard "TAB"
* FIXED - Some Bugs (General GUI + Language File) 
* Playable on LAN and Internet
* The original character models and weapons
* Steam Account / CD-Key NOT required. Installing, running, playing.
* Half-Life maps are totally removed
* Clean rip from original files with these exceptions
* HLDS and HLTV included and works
* Working Dedicated and Listen server
* Ads are removed
* Easy To Install Beauty

LongHorn GUI v3

CS 1.6 With Ucp Update 8.3 By My Friend Faizan

Setup Name: Counter Strike LC UCP 8.3

File Size: 342 MB

Special Per CW

       WiTh Anti Cheat Update Ucp 8.3 In CS 1.6

                 How To Instal Anti cheat Ucp
                                           Screen Shot 1
                                           Screen Shot 2

                                           Screen Shot 3

                                           Screen Shot 4
                                         Screen Shot 5

                                          Screen Shot 6 
Sceen Shot 7

IF You Want Download Ucp Update Anti Cheat 8.4

                                   How to install:

- Log in ID in 4shared Site Facebook Or Gmail ID
- Download the Counter Strike 1.6 Normal 2015 below in post

- If you're Extract File complete In Your D Drive

- Enjoy